Report Writing
Organizing and writing reports for business can take up a lot of valuable time and money yet, they are a necessary evil used to explain and or justify expenses, events, and accidents, propose policy changes, and document numerous other activities within a company. Reports can point out problems and offer solutions. They can be used to explain costs or to receive an increase in budget.In addition, when written as a proposal, they can generate new projects and income for a company by bringing in business from another.

Report Writing
Duration of the courses: 120 Hours
Key Benefits
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to do the following: Understand the uses and styles of a variety of business correspondence, Make use of technology as a tool for research and word processing, Write for a variety of purposes, Understand and utilize the unique style of technical writing, Understand and take ownership of the skills and concepts involved in the process of conducting inquiry and Prepare and deliver effective oral presentations for a variety of audiences and make effective use of PowerPoint.