Big Data & Hadoop
Our Big Data with Hadoop training course is designed to show Software Developers, DBAs, Business Intelligence Analysts, Software Architects and other vested stakeholders how to use key Open Source technologies in order to derive significant value from extremely large data sets. We will show you how to overcome the challenges of managing and analysing Big Data with tools and techniques such as Apache Hadoop, NoSQL databases and Cloud Computing services. Our Big Data with Hadoop course features extensive hands-on exercises reflecting real-world scenarios, and you are encouraged to take these away to kick-start your own Big Data efforts. This course gives an industry accreditation to business investigators, information distribution center specialists or different experts with comparative foundations to help them change into the universe.

Big Data & Hadoop
Duration of the courses: 120 Hours
Delegates should have an understanding of Enterprise application development, business systems integration and or Database Design / Querying / Reporting. In simple terms, working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows platform and basic database concepts.
Key Benefits
By the end of this course, you will have learnt Big Data Patterns and Anti-Patterns, Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce with examples, NoSQL Databases with demonstrations in Cassandra, HBase and others, Building Data Warehouses with Hive, Integration with SQL Databases, Parallel Programming with Pig Machine Learning & Pattern Matching with Apache Mahout, Utilise Amazon Web Services.